Greetings! I regularly conduct research using the Implicit Association Test (and its variants). On combined blocks of the IAT, participants respond on some trials to attribute stimuli (usually words) and on other trials they respond to target stimuli (often in the form of pictures). Best practices in using the IAT suggest that on these combined blocks, the attribute stimuli and the target stimuli should alternate between trials, such that on trial 1 an attribute stimulus is presented, on trial 2 a target stimulus is presented, on trial 3 an attribute stimulus is presented, etc. Within each block, the order of the attribute stimuli and target stimuli should also be randomized. In speaking with the Gorilla support folks, it seems that Gorilla is currently unable to support this type of randomization, which is a serious barrier for folks who might want to use Gorilla to implement their own IATs. I would love to see this functionality implemented in a future version of Gorilla. In case it's useful, here's a citation for a guide on best practices in using and constructing the IAT. Thank you for considering this addition! Greenwald AG, Brendl M, Cai H, Cvencek D, Dovidio JF, Friese M, Hahn A, Hehman E, Hofmann W, Hughes S, Hussey I, Jordan C, Kirby TA, Lai CK, Lang JWB, Lindgren KP, Maison D, Ostafin BD, Rae JR, Ratliff KA, Spruyt A, Wiers RW. Best research practices for using the Implicit Association Test. Behav Res Methods. 2022