Christin Schütze
Wish I could vote this up every day until I need to face reality and re-program my experiment that runs so nicely here in PsychoPy to collect EEG data additionally. The lab computer, for obvious reasons of avoiding interference, cannot have a web application.
Laurie Heller
I'd like this option, too - in my case, the experiment would be run within my lab, but I want to run it on a machine that is isolated from the internet. I have a standalone version of matlab for this purpose and it works well. When I need to get data off the computer i just use a usb key. I realize this isn't the most common way to use Gorilla.
Christin Schütze
Laurie Heller: So did you already find a workaround using MATLAB and data export via usb to run a GORILLA study in your lab or was it hypothetical/the way it works for other experiments? Super curious, would save me weeks of time for programming.
Laurie Heller
Christin Schütze: I run the experiment in matlab and do not use Gorilla because of this issue!
Magdalena Kachlicka
Interesting never thought of it! That's a tough one because that would mean that the experiment would need to be stored somewhere locally for offline use. If I remember correctly, RedCap or similar (some questionnaire platform) had an option to download their app and pre-load the study to complete it offline. But then, participants will still have to connect at some point to upload their responses. I'm not sure how feasible that would be with all the fancy graphics and stimuli I sometimes use, but I wonder if it's even possible.