Audio recording across different screens
in progress
Will Webster
in progress
We've just released Audio and Video Recording for Task Builder 2 which includes some considerable changes in underlying architecture. tl;dr, recording across screens/a whole task should now be possible to create and we'll be working on that in the coming weeks!
Will Webster
For the time being, I'm returning this feature to the open category. As the eyetracking and mousetracking zones ultimately upload text files, these are always very small. In comparison, audio files come out at ~1MB per minute of audio, sometimes larger. We know from researcher feedback that some participants are having difficulty uploading these files, even when limited to 2 minutes. Unless we can find a reliable and performant way to compress these files, making the allowable recording time longer isn't feasible.
Would this feature still be useful if the total recording time across screens was still limited to two minutes?
Simone Lira Calabrich
Will Webster: personally, it would work for me if the limit was still 2 minutes
Will Webster
under review